03 พฤษภาคม 2550

Additional Explanation about the Dividend Payment

May 2, 2007 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Additional Explanation about the Dividend Payment from the 2006 net profits Refer to: The Company's letter dated 27 April 2007. Re: Reports on shareholders' resolutions and letter dated 22 March 2007 Re: Report on the recent Board of Directors' resolutions. Regarding your inquiry about our allocation of profits and dividend from the 2006 net profits, we would like to provide additional explanation as follows. The Company still sticks on its plan to pay additional dividend from the 2006 net profits at the rate of Baht0.40 per share in May 2007, as reported in the letter dated 22 March 2007. The 2007 AGM which was held on 27 April 2007, was unable to appropriate the profit from the year 2006 as our retained earnings at 1 January 2007 was restated as deficit of Baht 1,569,774,212.78. Such deficit was just offset by the transfer of legal reserve and share premium by the approval of the recent AGM as reported in the referring letter dated 27 April 2007. Regarding the dividend payment Bath 0.40 per share from the 2006 net profits which should be paid this May, the Company will propose the coming Board of Directors Meeting which will be held on next Tuesday 8 May 2007, for its approval. The resolutions of the BoD will be reported to the SET after the meeting, as usual. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, (Mr. Chatchai Thiamtong) Vice President - Finance