04 พฤษภาคม 2548

Clarification Buy Back Plan

May 4, 2005 To: President Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Clarification on Buy Back Plan. "Koa Hoon" newspaper had one of its headline of its today papers, May 4, 2005, saying that "BEC proposes its Board of Directors to approve share buy back plan", however its clearly specified in the news that the buy back which has to be approved by Board of Directors has not been confirmed to be on the agenda of the next Board's meeting. The company has been studying the possibility and the suitability of the buy back for years, as it reckoned that this might be an efficient way to return its excess cash back to its shareholders. However, the study is still at management level and the size has now been reduced because of the new regulation involving retained earnings. According to the request from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the company confirms that our buy back is still an under - study project at management level. It was not included in the agenda of our upcoming Board's meeting to be held of May 16, 2005. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely Yours, (Chatchai Thiamtong) Vice President - Finance