05 กันยายน 2543
September 4, 2000
To: President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Re: To inform our Board's resolutions to set up the new subsidiaries.
This is to inform that the recent meeting of Company's Board of Directors
No. 5/2000 held on September 4, 2000 approved the setting up of the
new subsidiaries as follows: -
1. To set up " BEC MULTIMEDIA Co., Ltd." with following particulars: -
Registered capital: Baht 200 million, comprising of 20 million shares
of Baht 10 each, to be paid-up at 25%
Business type: Holding company invests in multimedia business.
Objective: To invest in multimedia business
Benefit/Return: Dividend
Holding ownership: 100% of issued and paid up capital
Source of fund: the exist working capital of BEC World Plc.
Address: 622 Emporium Tower 24th Fl., Sukhumvit Rd., Bangkok
2. To set up " BEC I CORPORATION Co., Ltd." with following particulars: -
Registered capital: Baht 200 million, comprising of 20 million shares
of Baht 10 each, to be paid-up at 25%
Business type: Holding company invests in Internet business.
Objective: To invest in Internet business
Benefit/Return: Dividend
Holding ownership: 100% of issued and paid up capital
Source of fund: the exist working capital of BEC World Plc.
Address: 622 Emporium Tower 24th Fl., Sukhumvit Rd., Bangkok
Please be informed accordingly.
Sincerely Yours,
(Mr.Chatchai Thiamtong)
Vice President - Finance