The Company has the policy to pay dividends at least 50% of the net profit to the shareholders as shown in the consolidated financial statements after deducting legal reserves and other reserve each year. The dividend payment depends on the economic and market conditions, cash position of the Company and future investment plans.
X-Date Book Closing Date Payment Date Dividend Type Dividend (per Share) Unit Operation Period Source of Dividend
06/05/25 07/05/25 22/05/25 Cash Dividend 0.04** Baht 01/07/24-31/12/24 Retained earnings
22/08/24 23/08/24 05/09/24 Cash Dividend 0.04 Baht 01/01/24-30/06/24 Retained earnings
07/05/24 08/05/24 23/05/24 Cash Dividend 0.06 Baht 01/01/23-31/12/23 Retained earnings
09/05/23 10/05/23 25/05/23 Cash Dividend 0.16 Baht 01/01/22-31/12/22 Retained earnings
28/04/22 29/04/22 19/05/22 Cash Dividend 0.25 Baht 01/01/21-31/12/21 Retained earnings
- - - No Dividend - - 01/01/20-31/12/20 -
- - - No Dividend - - 01/01/19-31/12/19 -
- - - No Dividend - - 01/01/18-31/12/18 -
- - - No Dividend - - 01/07/17-31/12/17 -
22/08/17 25/08/17 07/09/17 Cash Dividend 0.10* Baht 01/01/17-30/06/17 Net profit and retained earnings
05/05/17 11/05/17 25/05/17 Cash Dividend 0.15* Baht 01/07/16-31/12/16 Net Profit
25/08/16 30/08/16 14/09/16 Cash Dividend 0.45* Baht 01/01/16-30/06/16 Net Profit
04/05/16 11/05/16 26/05/16 Cash Dividend 0.70* Baht 01/07/15-31/12/15 Net Profit
18/08/15 21/08/15 02/09/15 Cash Dividend 0.70* Baht 01/01/15-30/06/15 Net profit and retained earnings
07/05/15 12/05/15 28/05/15 Cash Dividend 1.00* Baht 01/07/14-31/12/14 -
19/08/14 22/08/14 04/09/14 Cash Dividend 1.00* Baht 01/01/14-30/06/14 -
06/05/14 09/05/14 27/05/14 Cash Dividend 1.40* Baht 01/07/13-31/12/13 -


* Dividend payment base on the Company's old policy, which is: “Dividend policy to pay dividends at least 90% of the net profit to the shareholders as shown in the consolidated financial statements each year, except in the case which it is required to invest in the significant projects.

** Subject to approval by the 2025 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders