28 April 2008

Resolutions of the 2008 AGM of Shareholders

April 25, 2008 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Reports on shareholders' resolutions The 2008 Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of BEC World Plc. was held this afternoon and the following resolutions were made during the meeting: 1. The Meeting approved the Minutes of the Annual General Shareholder Meeting of 2007 as proposed by 1,568,639,057 votes or equal to 98.70% of the quorum, disagreed of 0 vote or equal to 0.00% of the quorum, and abstentions of 20,720,000 votes or equal to 1.30% of the quorum. 2. The Meeting acknowledged the report of the Company's activities in year 2007 as proposed by the Board of Director. 3. The Meeting approved the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement of the Company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 as proposed with 1,583,082,911 votes or equal to 98.78% of the quorum, disagreed of 0 vote or equal to 0.00% of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22%of the quorum. 4. The meeting approved profit allocation for the year 2007 and approval for dividend payment with 1,589,956,914 votes or equal to 98.78% of the quorum, disagreed of 0 vote or equal to 0.00% of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22%of the quorum, details of profit allocation are as follows: a) Allocating for legal reserved fund, 10% of total registered capital, totally Baht 200,000,000.-. b) Allocating for additional dividend for company operating result in 2007,at the rate of Baht 0.55 per share, totally, Baht 1,100,000,000.- which will be paid from profit after tax at the rate of 30% to the shareholders whose names are appeared in the share register book as on April 8, 2008 and shall be made on May 23, 2008. c) Remaining for company unallocated profit is Baht 4,911,451.-. 5. The meeting re-elected all 4 directors, who are due by rotation retire as directors for another term, details of the votes are as follows: 1.) Mr. Vichai Maleenont received approved votes by the shareholder equally by 1,587,527,516 votes or equal to 98.63%of the quorum, disagreed of 2,468,400 votes or equal to 0.15%of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22%of the quorum. 2.) Mr.Prasan Maleenont received approved votes by the shareholder equally by 1,587,527,516votes or equal to 98.63% of the quorum, disagreed of 2,468,400 votes or equal to 0.15% of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22%of the quorum. 3.) Mr.Pravit Maleenont received approved votes by the shareholder equally by 1,588,617,516 votes or equal to 98.69% of the quorum, disagreed of 1,378,400 votes or equal to 0.09%of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22%of the quorum. 4.) Ms.Ratana Maleenont received approved votes by the shareholder equally by 1,586,016,616 votes or equal to 98.53% of the quorum, disagreed of 3,979,300 votes or equal to 0.25% of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22% of the quorum. 6. The meeting fixed the remuneration of directors for the year 2008 by approved of 1,589,995,916 votes or equal to 98.78% of the quorum, disagreed of 0 vote or equal to 0.00% of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22% of the quorum, details of the remuneration are as follows: A. Meeting allowance for the Chairman of the Board of Director shall be fixed at Baht 15,000.- per each meeting. For other directors shall be fixed at Baht 10,000.- for each person per each meeting. The meeting allowance for any sub-committee member fixed at Baht 10,000.- for each person per each meeting. The total meeting allowance of the year 2008 shall be limited to not exceed Baht 1,000,000.-. B. Compensation at the amount of Baht 15 million - same amount compared to the prior year; shall be fixed for all directors, for the year 2008, which is to be appropriated among them by the Board of Director. 7. The meeting appointed Dr. Virach Aphimeteetamrong, CPA# 1378 and/or Mr. Chaiyakorn Aunpitipongsa CPA# 3196 and/or Mr. Apiruk Ati-anuwat CPA# 5202, of Dr. Virach & Associates Office as the Company's auditors for the fiscal year 2008, and fixed the audit fee for the Company group at the amount of Baht 5,500,000.-, being for the Company's account of Baht 1,220,000.- by approved of 1,589,995,926 votes or equal to 98.78% of the quorum, disagreed of 0 vote or equal to 0.00% of the quorum, and abstentions of 19,630,000 votes or equal to 1.22% of the quorum. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, (Mr. Chatchai Thiamtong) Vice President - Finance