26 April 2006

Reports on shareholder's resolutions

April 26, 2006 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Reports on shareholders' resolutions The 2006 Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of BEC World Plc. was held this afternoon and the following resolutions were made during the meeting: 1. Certified the minutes of the 2005 Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, as presented. 2. Acknowledged the Board of Directors' reports on the Company's operation during the year 2005. 3. Approved the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2005, as presented. 4. Approved the profit appropriation for the year 2005 and the declaration of dividend as follows: - appropriated as the final dividend for 2,000 million ordinary shares at Baht 0.30 per share, amounting to Baht 600,000,000, which shall be paid from profit after tax at the rate of 30% to the shareholders whose names are appeared in the share register book as of April 7, 2006, and this dividend payment is to be made on May 25, 2006. The annual dividend when combined with the interim dividends paid during the year 2005 will be Baht 0.45 per share, totaling of Baht 900,000,000. - carry forward as unappropriated retained earnings Baht 393,038,672. 5. Re-elected Mr.Prachum Maleenont, Ms.Nipa Maleenont, and Ms.Amphorn Maleenont whose tenure has just ended, back as director of the Company for another term, and approved the remuneration of directors for the year 2006 at the same as last year's as follows: 1.) Meeting allowance - Allowance for each meeting of the Board of Directors, shall be fixed at Baht 8,000 for the Chairman of the Board and Baht 4,000 for each other directors. - Allowance for each meeting of the Audit Committee and any sub-committee shall be fixed at Baht 4,000 for each member per each meeting. The meeting allowance of the year 2006 should be within Baht 500,000. 2.) Remuneration of Baht 12 million for all the directors during the year 2006, to be allocated among the directors as they deem appropriated. 6. Appointed Mr.Chaiyakorn Aunpitipongsa and/or Mr.Apiruk Ati-anuwat of Dr.Virach & Associates Office, as the Company's auditor for the year 2006, and fixing audit fee for the year 2006 for the group at the amount of Baht 4,990,000 which the Company's part is Baht 1,080,000. Please be informed accordingly. Yours faithfully, (Mr. Chatchai Thiamtong) Vice President - Finance