30 April 2002
April 29, 2002
To: President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Re: Reports on shareholders' resolutions
The 2002 annual general meeting of shareholders of BEC World Plc.
was held on April 29, 2002 and the following resolutions were made during
the meeting:
1. Certified the minutes of the 2001 annual general meeting of shareholders.
2. Acknowledged the Board of Directors' reports on the Company's operation
during the year 2001.
3. Approved the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement of
the Company for the year ended December 31, 2001.
4. Approved the profit appropriation for the year 2001 and the declaration
of dividend as follows:
- appropriated as dividend for 200 million ordinary shares at
Baht 8.00 per share, payable to shareholders as listed on the
share register book as of April 9, 2002 at 12:00 hours,
amounting to Baht 1,600,000,000 and this dividend payment
is to be made on May 29, 2002.
- carry forward as unappropriated retained earnings Baht 1,071,671,770.
5. Re-appointed Mr.Vichai Maleenont, Mr.Prasan Maleenont, Mr.Pravit
Maleenont and Ms.Ratana Maleenont whose tenure has just ended,
back as director of the Company for another term, and approved
the remuneration of directors for the year 2002 as follows:
1.) Meeting allowance
- allowance for each meeting of the Board of Directors.
Baht 8,000 for the Chairman of the Board and
Baht 4,000 for each other directors.
- allowance for each meeting of the Audit Committee.
Baht 4,000 for each member of the Audit Committee.
2.) Remuneration of Baht 12 million for all the directors during
the year 2002, to be appropriated among them by the Board.
6. Re-appointed Dr.Virach Apimetheethamrong and/or Mr.Chaikorn
Unpitipongsa of Dr.Virach & Associates Office, as the Company's
auditor for the year 2002, and empowered the Audit Committee to
negotiate with the auditor for fixing of audit fee for the year
2002 as appropriate.
7. Approved to amend the Article of Association as follows:
1.) Adding the following as 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of article 3
"The Company will adhere to regulations announcements
instructions or rules issued by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
including rules in accordance with disclosure of transactions
with connected persons and acquisitions and disposals of
assets as long as the Company is the listed company in the
stock exchange of Thailand.
In the case that if any article or wording in any
of the articles within this Articles of Association is
contradict with the regulations announcements instructions
or rules issued by the Stock Exchange of Thailand as
mentioned in the 2nd paragraph, the aforementioned
regulations announcements instructions or rules apply."
2.) Adding the following to the end tail of article 9
"Except shares which were bought back by the Company
in the following cases:
(a) buy back from shareholders who voted against the
shareholders' resolutions that amend the Articles of Association
in respect of voting right and right to receive dividend which
the shareholders deem as unfair to them; or
(b) buy back for the purpose of financial management as
the Company has accumulated retained earnings and liquidity
surplus and such share buy back does not cause any financial
difficulties to the Company.
However, the shares owned by the Company shall not be
counted as quorum in any shareholders' meeting, shall have no
voting right in the shareholders' meeting and shall have no
right to receive dividend.
In the case of buying back not exceeding 10 percent of
the paid up capital, the Board of Directors is empowered to
decide on the buy back including the sale and distribution of
such shares which had been bought back, without asking the
shareholders' meeting first.
In the case of buying back more than 10 percent of the
paid up capital, the Company needs prior consent from the
shareholders' meeting.
Such shares which had been bought back, the Company
must distribute out within the timeframe specify by the Law.
If it was not distributed or could not be all distributed
within such timeframe, the Company has to reduce its paid
up capital by deducting such remaining balance of the bought
back shares out from its registered capital.
The shares buy back, the distribution of such shares
and the reduction of capital by mean of deduction of such
shares must be done in compliance with conditions and
processes specified by the Public Company Law as well as
Securities and Stock Exchange law including Ministerial
Regulations, Rules, Regulations, Announcements, Orders
and related Directions issued in accordance with such Law."
3.) Adding the following to the end tail of the 1st paragraph of
article 36
"However, the shares owned by the Company shall not
be counted as quorum in any of shareholders' meeting."
4.) Adding the following as sub-clause (11) of article 38 (b)
"(11) Issuing of shares as settlement of debts and
arrangements in conversion of debts into equity
under article 54/1 of the Public Company Law
(2nd Issued) B.E. 2544."
and adding the following as the last paragraph of article 38
"However, the shares owned by the Company shall have
no voting right and shall not be counted as vote in the
resolution of shareholder."
5.) Adding the following as the last paragraph of article 47
"However, the shares owned by the Company shall
have no right to receive dividend."
Please be informed accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
(Mr. Chatchai Thiamtong)
Vice President - Finance